A Python based web scraper for the SEC EDGAR database
This library will for scraping certain financial documents from the EDGAR database such as the 10-K (and it's versions such as 10-K405,10-KSB), 20-F and 40-F.
The two main features of the library will be: - A document downloader portion that will fetch documents from the EDGAR database based on parameters such as a text query, time period, company ticker, and file type. - A scraper that will parse sections and information from the retrieved files.
Please make sure you have Python 3.7 or higher.
You can check your python version with
python --version
Then run the command below!
pip install sec-web-scraper
# Downloader
from sec_web_scraper.Downloader import Downloader
# Create new downloader object
d = Downloader()
# input the year range for filing data
d.build_index_sec(2000, 2002)
# After you've built the index, see all forms type filed in that period as a list
# If you want to find the cik of company, provide the name (fuzzy match). Returns a list
# If you want all 8-K's filled in the range above.This is a DataFrame
res = d.find_files_by_type('8-K')
#More features to be added!
from sec_web_scraper.Scraper import *
#With a particular filing
sample_10k = ""
#Get the raw text
raw_txt = get_document_given_link(sample_10k)
#Get the sections in the document
doc_tags = get_document_tags(raw_txt)
#More features to be added!
- Python project template from